Reference (Strozier Reserve and/or WMS 223 "library")
Composition in the University. Crowley, Sharon. Composition in the University: Historical and Polemical Essays. Pittsburgh: U Pittsburgh P, 1998. [Strozier reserves]
Composition-Rhetoric. Connors, Robert J. Composition-Rhetoric: Backgrounds, Theory, Pedagogy. Pittsburgh: U Pittsburgh P, 1997. [Strozier reserves]
Composition in the New Millennium. Bloom, Lynn, Donald Daiker, and Edward M. White, eds. Composition in the Twenty-First Century: Crisis and Change. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2003. [Strozier reserves]
Composition in the 21st Century. Bloom, Lynn, Donald Daiker, and Edward M. White, eds. Composition in the Twenty-First Century: Crisis and Change. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1996. [Strozier reserves]
Cross-Talk in Comp Theory. Villanueva, Victor, and Kristin Arola, eds. Cross-Talk in Comp Theory: A Reader, 3rd Ed. Normal, IL: NCTE, 2011. [Strozier reserves]
Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition. Enos, Theresa, ed. Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition: Communication from Ancient Times to the Information Age. New York: Garland, 1996. [Strozier reserves]
Handbook of Research on Writing. Bazerman, Charles, ed. Handbook of Research on Writing. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum / Taylor & Francis, 2008. [Strozier reserves]
Norton Book of Composition Studies. Miller, Susan, ed. The Norton Book of Composition Studies. New York: Norton, 2009. [Strozier reserves]
Reference Guides to Rhetoric and Composition. WAC Clearinghouse series of open-access books that look historically at various topics in rhetoric and composition, including FYC, writing in the disciplines, invention, argument, genre, writing program administration, and community literacy. Available at
Rhetoric of Western Thought. Golden, James L. Goodwin Berquist, and William E. Coleman, eds. The Rhetoric of Western Thought: From the Mediterranean World to the Global Setting. Eighth Edition. Kendall/Hunt, 2003. [in WMS 223]
SAGE Handbook. Lunsford, Andrea, ed. The SAGE Handbook of Rhetorical Studies. Los Angeles: SAGE, 2009. [Strozier reserves]
St. Martin's Guide to Teaching Writing. Glenn, Cheryl, and Melissa A. Goldthwaite, eds. The St. Martin's Guide to Teaching Writing, 6th Ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2007. [in WMS 223]
Sourcebook on Rhetoric. Jasinski, James. Sourcebook on Rhetoric: Key Concepts in Contemporary Rhetorical Studies. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2001. [e-reserves -- see Canvas "Files"]
Theorizing Composition: A Critical Sourcebook. Kennedy, Mary Lynch, ed. Theorizing Composition: A Critical Sourcebook of Theory and Scholarship in Contemporary Composition Studies. Greenwood, CT: Greenwood P, 1998. [in WMS 223]
The Writing Instructor. There is a gap in the online archives, but most back issues of The Writing Instructor provide web access to full texts. Available at:
Online Bibliographies
Bedford Online Bibliography for Teachers of Writing, 7th Edition
CCCC Bibliography of Composition and Rhetoric (1984-1999)
CompPile WPA Research Bibliographies (1939-current)
"Writing Matters: Rebecca Moore Howard Bibliographies." Topical bibliographies created by Rebecca Moore Howard, accessible through Bedford/St. Martin's.
Glossaries, Archives, and Position Statements
Archive Grid
CompFAQs (CompPile)
CCCC Position Statements
Critical Terms for Media Theory. U Chicago "Theories of Media" keyword glossary.
Glossary of Terms for Rhetorical Argument. From Ramage, et al, eds. Argument in Composition, 2009 WAC Clearinghouse.
HathiTrust Digital Library
Internet Archives Text Archive
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Media Commons
MICASE Corpus of Student Writing
National Archives of Composition and Rhetoric
NCTE Position Statements
Nietz 19th-century Schoolbooks Collection (U Pittsburgh)
Silva Rhetoricae (Gideon Burton's "Forest of Rhetoric")
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
WAC Clearinghouse