IC #2: Theories of Discourse and Audience

For our third "Weekly" of the semester, I'm asking you to return to an Intertextual Conversation towards achieving new discovery (and even meta-discovery). As you did for IC #1, for this assignment, you'll be synthesizing the work of two (or three) theorists in order to better understand their claims, their antecedents, their positions, and their position-ing within the field. This week's "theoretical turn" emphasizes some critical relationships between notions of discourse and notions of audience, including where some of those relationships diverge.

The Task
Select one set of authors from this list below and describe how Author B's work reflects either a response to, a disruption of, a continuation of, or a reframing of Author A's principal arguments:
  • Author A = Moffett; Author B = Asante
  • Author A = Kinneavy; Author B = Royster
  • Author A = Ede and Lunsford; Author B = Royster or Asante

At the risk of sounding redundant, remember that IC's are brief (~3 single-spaced pages) but that in spite of their brevity, I'm looking for depth and breadth in your writing—that you can demonstrate how you are beginning to grasp each theorist's overarching argument while also noting its nuances and intricacies; that you can weave together already nuanced summaries; that you can identify the methodology or organization underlying most of their arguments; that you can forward key terms or concepts important to the conversation you are constructing; and that you can provide and cite salient examples from each text. Please include the full citation for the texts that you choose and use in-text (parenthetical) citations throughout your IC where needed.
Please submit an electronic copy of IC #2 to Canvas by 3:30 p.m. on 10/3/17. As before, I will make time to discuss them so that you can share some of your results with each other during class.

-Dr. Graban